
Tumblr Is Always Dying

The mainstream narrative has declared Tumblr dead for years. Last week, a leaked memo finally revealed the site’s plans to scale down its operations—but its art, fandoms, and inside jokes rage on.

The mainstream narrative has declared Tumblr dead for years. Last week, a leaked memo finally revealed the site’s plans to scale down its operations—but its art, fandoms, and inside jokes rage on.

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TikTok Is the New TV

A new series is premiering this week on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. It’s a move that shows how studios are dipping into social video as more people watch on their phones.

A new series is premiering this week on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. It’s a move that shows how studios are dipping into social video as more people watch on their phones.

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The SAG Deal Sends a Clear Message About AI and Workers

The agreement between Hollywood actors, studios, and streamers isn’t perfect. But it could set the tone for how future labor movements confront changes brought about by artificial intelligence.

The agreement between Hollywood actors, studios, and streamers isn’t perfect. But it could set the tone for how future labor movements confront changes brought about by artificial intelligence.

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Netflix Killed ‘The OA.’ Now Its Creators Are Back With a Show About Tech’s Ubiquity

The OA had the kind of fans who held flash mobs to protest its cancelation. Now its creators are back with A Murder at the End of the World, and a warning about tech’s influence on people’s lives.

The OA had the kind of fans who held flash mobs to protest its cancelation. Now its creators are back with A Murder at the End of the World, and a warning about tech’s influence on people’s lives.

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‘The Beast Adjoins’ Is Seriously Creepy Sci-Fi

The short story presents a fresh take on the idea of an AI uprising.

The short story presents a fresh take on the idea of an AI uprising.

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How Cinematherapy Helped Me Through a Midlife Crisis

Yes, there is a therapeutic basis for “watching movies to heal,” but only if you do it the right way. Here’s how.

Yes, there is a therapeutic basis for “watching movies to heal,” but only if you do it the right way. Here’s how.

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Tech Disrupted Hollywood. AI Almost Destroyed It

Streaming invigorated the film and TV industry and sent established studios scrambling. That was before AI sparked one of the biggest work stoppages in Hollywood history.

Streaming invigorated the film and TV industry and sent established studios scrambling. That was before AI sparked one of the biggest work stoppages in Hollywood history.

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Nintendo Is Ready to Take On Hollywood

Nintendo is making a live-action movie adaptation of its beloved Legend of Zelda franchise, a move that points to the company’s long-term goals.

Nintendo is making a live-action movie adaptation of its beloved Legend of Zelda franchise, a move that points to the company’s long-term goals.

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What We Want Out of a ‘Legend of Zelda’ Movie

A live-action Zelda movie could work, but only if Nintendo reads the room. If Link speaks, fans will get upset. If he says, “Excuse me, Princess,” that’s OK.

A live-action Zelda movie could work, but only if Nintendo reads the room. If Link speaks, fans will get upset. If he says, “Excuse me, Princess,” that’s OK.

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Robotic Putting Greens. Mixed Reality. Loud Spectators. This Is Golf?!

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy are backing a new sports league that’s reinventing golf as high-energy, made-for-TV entertainment.

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy are backing a new sports league that’s reinventing golf as high-energy, made-for-TV entertainment.

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