
What is a Slow Roll in Poker & How to Avoid it

A slow roll in poker is delaying showing your hand even though it’s strong and you’ve most likely already won.… Continue reading What is a Slow Roll in Poker & How to Avoid it
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A slow roll in poker is delaying showing your hand even though it’s strong and you’ve most likely already won. It is a big faux pas in poker etiquette, and those who do it will likely be the least popular person at the table. In this article, you can discover exactly what slow rolling is, why it’s frowned upon, where it falls within the rules of poker, and how to avoid doing it.

What Does it Mean to Slow Roll in Poker?

A slow roll is one of the biggest breaches of poker etiquette, but what does it mean to slow roll in poker? Slow rolling is when a player with a very strong hand, either most probably or certainly the winning hand, delays showing their cards at the showdown and/or misinterprets their hand, indicating they’ve lost when they know they’ve won. Here are a few examples of slow rolling in poker.

A player takes a long pause before calling an all-in bet when they have the nuts(the best possible hand) instead of snap-calling (making the call instantly).
A player pretends that they might fold before then calling and revealing an unbeatable hand.
After seeing their opponent’s hand, a player takes a long time to flip their cards over, knowing they’ve won.
A player knows they have the best hand but has a long discussion about all the possible hands they could have before making the call.
A player lies to his opponent before calling, for example, saying they have a pair when they actually have an Ace high flush, making their opponents incorrectly think they have a chance of winning.

Why is Slow Rolling Frowned Upon?

Some people may wonder, “Why is slow rolling frowned upon?” It’s just adding a little drama. Well, it’s frowned upon for a few reasons. The main reason is that it’s seen as disrespecting or taunting the opponent and is unsporting behavior. It’s viewed in very much the same way as celebrating right in front of someone’s face when you score in football or cheering when an opponent misses a putt in golf.

The other reason, to a lesser extent, is that you are just wasting everyone’s time at the table. Poker tournaments are notoriously long affairs. Even a friendly tournament with a few friends at home can take hours, let alone large Multi-table tournaments at casinos. Players will get annoyed if someone is needlessly extending the tournament.

How to Avoid Slow Rolling in Poker

Now you know what a slow roll in poker is. Unless you want to be the most hated person at the table or never be invited back to your friend’s games, you probably want to avoid it. So, let’s take a look at some tips on how to ensure you don’t perform this poker faux pas.

Immediately Reveal Your Hand: When you call an all-in and you are the last person to act, show your hand immediately.
Call Quickly When You Have the Nuts: You should always call an all-in immediately when you know you have an unbeatable hand.
Understand Poker Rankings: You should fully understand poker rankings and be aware of the situation on the board so you know when you have the nuts.
Don’t Get Distracted: If you’re scrolling through your phone or chatting with someone else, you may unintentionally slow roll.
Listen to the Dealer: In live dealer games, the dealer announces the action. They state what action a player has taken and when it is the showdown. Pay attention to the dealer, and don’t delay taking action when it could be perceived as slow rolling.

Hollywood vs Poker Slow Roll

While slow rolling is a big no-no at online casinos and land-based poker rooms, Hollywooding or slow playing are acceptable and legitimate poker strategies. The two acts may seem similar, but there is one major difference: Hollywooding is done during active play, while a slow roll occurs when no more actions are to take place.

For example, say you have a J and 10 of spades in the pocket, and after the turn, there’s a 9,8, Q of spades, and an Ace of hearts on the board. You’ve got a straight flush, one of the best hands in poker. There’s one opponent in the hand, and they make a bet. You spend a long time debating whether to call and act if your hand is weaker than it is.

This is Hollywooding and perfectly fine as you are trying to deceive your opponent into thinking you have a weak hand so they will commit more money to the pot on the river. There’s a strategic element to the deception.

If a 5 of hearts comes on the river, you now know you have the best hand. If your opponent then goes all in and you spend a long time debating whether to call, you are now slow rolling. There’s no more action to be taken after you, and you know you have the winning hand there’s nothing to be gained from indicating a weaker hand. So, at this point, you should immediately call the all-in.

Live Poker Slow Rolling vs Online Poker Slow Rolling

Live games are not the only place a slow roll in poker can happen. Players can also slow roll at online poker casinos. However, it is seen as much worse to slow roll in live games than online, and we will explain why.

Slow Rolling in Live Poker

One reason poker slow rolling in live games is perceived as worse than online is that it is almost always intentional. In live games, players are only playing one game and one hand at a time and should be completely focused on the game. They can’t really use the excuse of not being aware of the situation.

Additionally, at live games, players are face-to-face, and it’s much easier to upset the atmosphere. If players start to argue or berate each other vocally, it’s different from people angrily typing in a chat box online.

Joe Yarnold
Expert Insight
To avoid committing the poker “sin” of slow-rolling, make sure to pay close attention while you remain in hand, particularly at the showdown. Make an all-in call quickly if you have the nuts, and don’t delay in revealing your hand.

Slow Rolling in Online Poker

Slow rolling online is much more forgivable than in live games because it’s often unintentional. Players online often play multiple games at the same time, so their attention might not be on the game, and the delay is not on purpose.

Other potential distractions when playing online include connection issues, DoorDash arriving, etc. Slow rolling online is also somewhat limited as there are timers, and players only have a certain amount of time to act.

In addition, at online poker rooms, you aren’t face-to-face, and it’s much harder to spoil the atmosphere when all players can do is write a message in chat, it just doesn’t cause as much tension at the table.

 Examples of Slow Rolls

There’s no better way to answer “What does slow roll mean in poker?” than by looking at some real-world examples. Below, you can find some examples of players who have tried slow rolling in live televised poker games.

Andreas Gann, 2015 Irish Poker Open

Andreas Gann, 2015 Irish Poker Open

In the 2015 Irish Poker Open, Andreas Gann slow-rolled Donnacha O’Dea with some bad consequences. On the final table, Gann was fairly short-stacked with 252K chips, with blinds at 25k/50k.

Donnacha raised to 100k with an A and 6 of clubs. Gann, who was small blind with A and K of diamonds in hand, called the raise, so now he had around 40% of his modest stack in the pot.

The flop came out 6, 8, A of diamonds, giving Gann an Ace high flush with the King, the strongest possible hand on the table so far. Gann checked, and then O’Dea bet 300K, which would put Gann all in.

Although there were cards that could come out that would lose him the hand, he knew he was the heavy favorite. With so much of his small stack already in the pot, it should have been a snap call. Instead, he took over a minute to call and feigned he thought he was behind by shaking his head and huffing and puffing.

When he did call, the other players didn’t take kindly to the slow roll, nor did the crowd, who audibly booed him. Luckily, there was some instant karma when, on the river, a 6 of hearts came out, giving O’Dea a full house and winning him the hand.

Sascha Cornils, World Cup of Poker 2010

Sascha Cornils, World Cup of Poker 2010

At the 2010 World Cup of Poker (WCOP), German Cornils took slow rolling to a new level. The WCOP works differently from most other tournaments. Rather than individually competing, players from teams take turns playing. If one player gets knocked out, the whole team is eliminated. Because of this format, teams are allowed to call a “time-out” and consult with their team.

While playing for Germany, Corenils got the best pocket hand in poker: a pair of Aces. Canadian representative Surhato had pocket Kings in the small blind position. Another player made a raise before Cornils re-raised to 8k. Surhato then went all in with his Kings.

All other players had folded, and the action was on Cornelis. Rather than instantly calling, which the commentators were expecting and would have been the right call, Cornelis called a timeout and went off to speak with his team. He then returned to the table and stated he called but still took a short pause before showing his cards.

The Canadian team didn’t take too well to their player being so excessively slow rolled and expressed their feelings to the non-playing German team, which, in fairness, apologized for Cornil’s inappropriate behavior.

Jack Ury, 2009 WSOP

Jack Ury, 2009 WSOP

In 2009, at the WSOP, 96-year-old Jack Ury pulled off what is seen by many as one of the “best” slow rolls in history against Steven Friedlander.

Ury was holding a pocket pair of 7s, and Friedlander had a 6 and 7. The flop came out 6, 6, 7. Ury placed a 1k bet, and Friedlander, probably thinking he had the best hand, said, “You don’t wanna just get ’em all in.” He appeared to taunt Jack before going all in.

Jack calls fairly quickly and says, “What you got.” Friedlander turns over his 6,7, revealing his full house ‘sixes over sevens.’ Jack then says, “You’re in trouble,” but delays turning over his hand. You can hear someone saying, “Turn ’em over,” but Jack delays a little longer before flipping over his full house ‘seven over sixes.’

Unlike most other times, a player slowly rolls the commentators, and the other players at the table seemed to very much enjoy this. This is most likely because of Jack’s advantaged age and the fact that Friedlander had appeared to goade Jack when he put him all in.

Is Poker Slow Rolling Against the Rules?

Is slow rolling bad in poker? Yes, absolutely. It’s very bad poker manners and serves no strategic purpose. But is it against the rules? Well, no. There are no rules that prohibit slow rolling, and you will face no official punishment for it.

However, while there’s no official punishment for it, if you do it often in a private game, you probably won’t continue to be invited. If you do it in a public game, it’s likely to sour the atmosphere of the table, and you will probably become a target for other players.

More Useful Poker Guides

Below are further guides on a variety of poker topics that can help you improve your game and improve your chances of success.

Our Final Thoughts on Slow Rolling in Poker

A slow roll in poker serves no real purpose other than to annoy and taunt your opponent. It usually causes unneeded tension at the table and animosity toward the slow roller. This is why it should be avoided at all costs.

To avoid unintentionally slow rolling, show your cards immediately after calling all in a showdown, and if you know you definitely have or most likely have the best hand when someone goes in, don’t delay calling the all-in. When you’re ready to try your hand at poker, be sure to check out what Wild Casino has to offer.

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What is slow rolling in poker?

The slow roll definition is when a player has a strong hand (most likely or certainly the winning hand) at the showdown. A slow roll in poker is different from slow playing as slow rolling is a strategic move to get more money out of you, but slow rolling does not have strategic value; simply delays the game and rubs salt in the wound of the losing opponent.

How does a slow roll affect the game?

A slow roll in poker will almost always cause tension at the table. It can quickly turn a friendly atmosphere into an awkward one.

Is slow roll considered a good strategy?

No, a poker slow roll is not considered a good strategy, and it’s not really a strategy at all. Why is slow rolling bad? Well, unlike slow play, which is a strategy to get your opponents to commit more chips, a slow roll is done when you are the final player to act, and there’s no strategic value to it.

What is the purpose of a slow roll in poker?

The meaning of slow rolling is that you delay the action when you are the last player to act, so the only real purpose of slow rolling is to taunt and annoy your opponent. Players that slow roll are typically seen as just unsportsmanlike people.

What’s the difference between slow roll and slow play?

The slow roll meaning differs from slow play meaning, mainly in when the action takes place. A slow play happens during active play when there are further actions to be taken after you act. It’s a strategy to get your opponents to commit more money to the pot. A slow roll is when you are the final player to act (often in the showdown), and there’s no strategic purpose for delaying your action.

Responsible Gambling

Poker and other forms of gambling are harmless activities that can be played for enjoyment by many. However, there are some who can develop gambling disorders, which can have profound negative effects on their financial situation and mental well-being.

This is why responsible gambling is always vital, as it can protect you from these possible dangers. Make sure to be aware of best gambling practices and seek assistance if you believe you may have a problem. 


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Manchester City forms deal with online gambling brand Betway

As the Manchester City football club begins its pre-season tour of the United States, a new partnership has been announced… Continue reading Manchester City forms deal with online gambling brand Betway
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As the Manchester City football club begins its pre-season tour of the United States, a new partnership has been announced between the Premier League champions and Betway.

A multi-year collaboration deal was publicized on Friday (July 26) which will see Betway become the club’s official betting partner from the start of the 2024/25 season.

Founded in 2006, Betway is one of the largest online gambling companies. They’re not new to partnering with sports teams either, as they currently have deals with Arsenal, West Ham, Brighton & Hove Albion, Atletico Madrid, and FC Schalke 04.

The brand will be featured across digital platforms inside the home of Manchester City – the Etihad Stadium.

The duo will collaborate on further activations and provide exclusive content opportunities for fans.

The CEO of Betway’s parent company, Super Group, Neal Menashe said: “We are absolutely delighted to become Manchester City’s Official Global Betting Partner. This agreement cements our place in the top tier of Premier League partners, ensuring that our Betway brand reaches fans in all corners of the globe.”

Those on the other side of the agreement are happy too, with the CEO of City Football Group Ferran Soriano having said: “We are pleased to announce Betway as our Official Global Betting Partner today.

“As a globally recognised brand, Betway has a strong pedigree and history of working with high-profile brands within the sports space and we’re excited to work together throughout the partnership.”

Super Group’s and Betway’s US presence to come to an end

The two CEOs sealed the deal by ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Friday.

While the celebrations were held in the Big Apple, Super Group is winding down its sports betting presence in the U.S. market after struggling to generate enough viable revenue.

Menashe stated: “As a global business, we constantly evaluate the optimal use of our resources across all markets in which we operate. We have recently concluded an extensive review of our U.S. operations and, at present, we do not see a long-term path to profitability for the sportsbook product.”

The company, which also owns online casino brand Spin, said it would be closing its U.S. sportsbook operations in the nine states in which it operates.

Featured Image: Via Wikimedia Commons

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Multi-Chain Crypto ICO Surges to $2.7 Million – Next Base Meme Coin to Watch?

Base chain meme coins are making a strong comeback, and some investors are wondering if Base Dawgz could be the… Continue reading Multi-Chain Crypto ICO Surges to $2.7 Million – Next Base Meme Coin to Watch?
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Base chain meme coins are making a strong comeback, and some investors are wondering if Base Dawgz could be the next big meme coin to explode.

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) presale recently achieved a big milestone, raising $2.7 million in its latest round. Due to high demand, the presale could sell out sooner than expected.

If the launch happens during a bull market, the token could see high growth.

Base Dawgz presale exceeds $2.7 million mark

Base Dawgz is a meme coin featuring a base-jumping Shiba Inu. It’s unique for its multi-chain capabilities, being hosted on the Base Chain and available for trading on Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Avalanche (AVAX).

This multi-chain strategy enhances the project’s interoperability, enabling smooth transactions across different blockchains. The technology, including bridging solutions like Wormhole and Portal Bridge, significantly reduces transaction fees and times, especially compared to Ethereum and Base Chain.

Currently, Base Dawgz has raised an impressive $2.7 million. Investors can purchase $DAWGZ for $0.006725 per token, and with less than 2 days left until the next price increase, many are eager to invest early. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Base Dawgz tokens here.

$2.7 MILLION$DAWGZ just keeps pushing and we don’t let up 💪

— Base Dawgz (@BaseDawgz) July 26, 2024

This significant funding indicates strong potential for the project’s success and high community interest. The project’s ability to secure such funding suggests a promising future as it advances through its presale phase and beyond.

Base Dawgz tokenomics and project roadmap

Base Dawgz has a well-defined tokenomics plan with specific allocations for various aspects of the project. They have allocated 20% of the tokens for the presale, providing early investors a chance to get involved before the official launch.

Another 20% is set aside for staking, allowing investors to stake their $DAWGZ tokens and earn rewards with an impressive annual return of 1,100%. Currently, 29% of the supply is staked, showing strong community engagement.

Additionally, 20% of the supply is reserved for liquidity, ensuring a stable market presence. This is higher than the typical 5-10%, demonstrating the project’s commitment to maintaining liquidity. The project has also allocated 15% for marketing, Dawgz rewards, and listings.

The roadmap for Base Dawgz includes key milestones such as the presale and community growth phase, which aims to expand the community and increase awareness.

The project has been audited by SolidProof to ensure security and reliability and is actively engaged in marketing efforts as they prepare for the official launch. Future listings on major platforms like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and various decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are also planned.

Refer and Earn offers a new marketing strategy

Base Dawgz allocated 15% of its supply to marketing efforts, which include partnering with influencers and creators to boost visibility and reach a wider audience.

The project has a dynamic community strategy that involves creative competitions and airdrops for sharing memes related to the project. This approach not only encourages community participation but also serves as a marketing tool to spread awareness.

To further engage users, Base Dawgz introduced a new feature called Refer And Earn. This referral feature allows users to create their own referral links, which they can share with friends, family, or a broader audience on social media.

When someone uses the referral link to join the Base Dawgz presale and purchases $DAWGZ tokens, the person who shared the link receives 10% of the purchase amount in USDT.

The process is simple and similar to other referral programs, but it is a new addition to the Base Dawgz website and presale. It offers an opportunity for users to earn rewards if their friends or followers show interest in the project.

To participate in the $DAWGZ token presale, visit


Current Market Rebound Will Lead These Three Meme Coins to Massive Gains – PlayDoge, Base Dawgz, and Pepe Unchained
Best Multi-Chain Altcoin for High Returns in the Next Bull Run

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Trending Base Meme Coin Predicted to Surge 10x in 2024 – Should You Buy TOSHI Now?

Experts predict that Toshi, one of the most popular Base meme coins, could go up by 10x this year because… Continue reading Trending Base Meme Coin Predicted to Surge 10x in 2024 – Should You Buy TOSHI Now?
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Experts predict that Toshi, one of the most popular Base meme coins, could go up by 10x this year because of the recent surge in meme coins.

This article explores the recent developments, features, and potential of Toshi, a project that has caught the attention of the crypto community.

We’ll also explore Pepe Unchained, an altcoin with Layer 2 benefits that is set to explode in 2024.

What is Toshi?

Toshi is a project on the Base blockchain, represented by a cute blue cat mascot. It offers a variety of tools and features to enhance user experience and support developers.

The Toshi Toolbox provides tools to help users build on the Base blockchain. The Toshi Token Locker lets developers vest or lock team tokens, ensuring clarity and trust within the community. It provides a transparent schedule for token release, aligning with strategic project milestones.

Toshi’s Liquidity Locker secures liquidity, showing the community that the project is stable and preventing sudden withdrawals. The Multisender tool allows developers to conduct large airdrops, migrations, or presales efficiently, handling hundreds or thousands of addresses at once.

Toshi Swap simplifies trading tax tokens by applying taxes directly on purchases, eliminating the need for swapbacks and reducing sell pressure. The Toshi Launchpad makes fundraising easier, providing a safe platform for developers to introduce their projects to potential supporters and build trust.

The Token Launcher helps users create new tokens without needing coding skills, making the process accessible to everyone.

Buying Toshi is simple and can be done through the Coinbase wallet. Toshi also offers educational resources, NFTs through NFToshi, and the Meow DAO, a decentralized organization that lets users vote on project decisions.

TOSHI price prediction

Toshi has shown notable price movement, with a recent increase of almost 10% in a single day, bringing its market cap close to $80 million. However, Toshi experienced a 20% decline over the past week and a 33% drop over the past month.

Despite these fluctuations, the current price point might present a buying opportunity for investors. Historically, Toshi reached a market cap exceeding $100 million, indicating its potential for significant growth. As part of the Base ecosystem, Toshi stands out alongside other projects like Brett and Roost.

We are proud to announce our partnership and integration into @3look_io!

We’re giving away $50 to 3 people with the most liked memes in the comments using @3look_io. Winners chosen in 48 hours ⏰

Check out the demo & get creating! 👇

— TOSHI 🛡️ Base (@Toshi_base) July 25, 2024

Toshi recently announced a partnership with 3look, a social meme platform, where they are giving away $50 to three top meme creators. This collaboration aims to boost community engagement and bring more attention to Toshi through the power of memes.

Investors have been buying Toshi all day, with purchases over $1K each. While a market cap of 10 billion might be ambitious, hitting 1 or 5 billion seems possible, especially with the crypto market picking up again. Toshi currently has a market cap of around $70 million, and there’s potential for a 5x to 10x increase.

If you’re looking for leading altcoins that might give big returns and rise in value during the next bull run, take a look at our guide.

Altcoin with Layer 2 advantages – Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

Retail investors are excited about Pepe Unchained’s (PEPU) new approach to meme coins. The project recently reached $6 million in its presale, gaining attention for its layer-2 blockchain plans. During the presale, $PEPU tokens are priced at $0.0087344 each.

Pepe Unchained’s presale follows a stage-based structure, meaning the price of $PEPU will increase over time. Investors can buy $PEPU using ETH, USDT, BNB, or a credit/debit card. They can claim their purchased tokens once the presale ends.

After the presale, the developers plan to list $PEPU on a decentralized exchange, though they haven’t shared specific details yet.

Pepe Unchained aims to build a layer-2 network specifically for meme coins, combining the fun of the popular Pepe meme with practical use cases. $PEPU offers the same playful vibe as the original Pepe coin but with better technology.

The platform’s layer-2 network aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions, potentially 100x quicker than other blockchains like Ethereum, as highlighted in the Pepe Unchained whitepaper. This means that transactions on the network should be faster and cheaper for traders and investors.

This concept has resonated well with investors, as Pepe Unchained’s X account gained over 8,800 followers in just a few weeks. Strong community support during the presale often leads to significant gains when the coin is listed on exchanges.

Pepe Unchained’s staking feature has also attracted investors. It allows $PEPU token holders to earn a high APY of over 318% at the time of writing. This rate will decrease as more people stake their $PEPU tokens, giving higher rewards to early investors. Over 502 million tokens have already been staked, showing strong community support.

To take part in the $PEPU token presale, visit


Pepe Unchained Potential to Lead the Meme Coin Rally and Become the Next Big Crypto as Its ICO Surges Past $4 Million
Top 3 Meme Coin Presales Set for 100x Growth – $PEPU, $PLAY, and $MGMES

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New Learn-to-Earn Crypto ICO Ending in 10 Days – Invest in 99BTC Before It Sells Out

Investors have only a few days left to join the hottest crypto presale today, with predictions that the next token… Continue reading New Learn-to-Earn Crypto ICO Ending in 10 Days – Invest in 99BTC Before It Sells Out
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Investors have only a few days left to join the hottest crypto presale today, with predictions that the next token will explode upon its IEO.

With more than $2.5 million already raised in the 99Bitcoins presale, investors are rushing to get in before the final price increase on July 30th.

As a DEX listing approaches, the clock is ticking for those looking to grab $99BTC at the lowest available price.

Combining education and investment: Learn-to-Earn and Stake with 99Bitcoins

Let’s explore what 99Bitcoins is all about. It’s not just another token; it has significant credibility. Since 2013, 99Bitcoins has been a leading platform for crypto education, amassing nearly 3 million email subscribers. Its official YouTube channel also boasts over 700,000 subscribers.

Now, the team is shaking things up by launching the $99BTC token alongside a Learn-to-Earn model. The concept is simple: you learn about crypto through their platform, complete courses, finish quizzes, and earn $99BTC tokens as a reward.

It’s like getting paid to learn about crypto. But there’s more. Holding $99BTC unlocks a range of perks, including exclusive access to premium content, trading signals and strategies, and VIP community groups.

There’s even a Discord server for connecting with other crypto enthusiasts. For those interested in generating passive income, 99Bitcoins offers a staking protocol for $99BTC with estimated annual yields of 676%.

Since the protocol launched, investors have staked over 1.6 billion $99BTC tokens. These features create a unique crypto ecosystem that’s unlike anything else on the market.

Last chance to buy 99BTC Tokens before the IEO

Crypto investors are excited as the 99Bitcoins Token (99BTC) presale approaches its final stages. And for a limited time, investors can grab $99BTC tokens for just $0.00115 each. Having raised over $2.5 million, 99Bitcoins Token (99BTC) is not just another token launch.

Instead, it aims to introduce a new “Learn-to-Earn” crypto education model that could revolutionize the way we approach learning in the Web3 space. There’s only one more stage, set to begin on July 30th and end will end on August 6th at 2 PM UTC.

🔥 Our #Presale is nearly over! 🔥

Secure your $99BTC tokens now before the final price increase! 👀

The presale ends on the 6th of August at 2 PM UTC. Don’t miss out! 🗓️ #99Bitcoins #BTC #Crypto

— 99Bitcoins (@99BitcoinsHQ) July 23, 2024

Following that, there will be a swift transition on August 8th at 11am UTC for token claims and the initial DEX listing. According to 99Bitcoins Token’s whitepaper, the team is setting aside 8% of the total $99BTC supply for DEX liquidity.

They’ve also earmarked a whopping 23% of the supply for marketing. With the presale gaining a lot of attention, the upcoming $99BTC listing is one to keep an eye on.

People are talking about 99Bitcoins Token on social media, especially on X account and Telegram. They’re discussing its potential and whether it can change how we learn about crypto.

You can explore the potential future of 99Bitcoins through our 99Bitcoins price prediction.

99Bitcoins Token: BRC-20 integration and airdrop campaign

The 99Bitcoins Token team isn’t limiting their efforts to just crypto education; they’re also exploring the new BRC-20 standard on Bitcoin. BRC-20 is an experimental token standard that brings Ethereum-like fungible tokens to the Bitcoin blockchain, giving Bitcoin additional functionality and exciting investors.

The potential for $99BTC to become a BRC-20 token is significant, as it could offer new opportunities for holders. With growing speculation that Bitcoin’s price could reach $150,000 during this bull cycle, BRC-20 tokens like $99BTC could be great investments. In fact, a 10x return is not out of the question.

Additionally, $99BTC is running an airdrop campaign. The 99Bitcoins airdrop will distribute $99,999 in Bitcoin to 99 winners, each receiving over $1,000. This airdrop helps avoid selling pressure on the $99BTC token while allowing winners to benefit from Bitcoin’s potential price increase.

Presale buyers can sign up for the airdrop on the 99Bitcoins website by following a few easy steps. However, they have less than 10 days left to register, as the airdrop ends on August 6th.

99Bitcoins Token is set to be one of the biggest new token launches of the year. The team plans to make crypto education both accessible and rewarding. If they fulfill their promises, $99BTC could experience an exciting few months ahead.

To participate in the $99BTC token presale, visit


The 99Bitcoins ICO Ends on August 6th – Top Crypto to Watch in 2024?
The Hottest Learn-to-Earn Crypto Presale Raises $2.5 Million – Next 100x Crypto Gem?

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Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Release date, trailers, platforms, and everything we know

Metroid Prime 4 has been on the cards for some time but many had lost hope on it ever coming… Continue reading Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Release date, trailers, platforms, and everything we know
The post Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Release date, trailers, platforms, and everything we know appeared first on ReadWrite.

Metroid Prime 4 has been on the cards for some time but many had lost hope on it ever coming to fruition since it has been in alleged development hell.

However, we have now received our first look at what’s next for Samus Aran, and fans are elated.

Here, we’ll run you through what we know on the Metroid Prime 4: Beyond release date, any trailers, what platforms it’s on, and more so you’re up to speed on this highly anticipated sequel to a classic franchise.

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond release date

After years of waiting, thankfully we have a release date for Metroid Prime 4: Beyond. This is simply 2025 at the moment but at least there’s a year we can cling onto.

Many are speculating that this will be a Q1 release, potentially March, which would be absolutely perfect timing to fill a gap where not too many games launch.

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond trailers

There has been only one official trailer for Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – the announcement trailer.

This one was revealed during the June Nintendo Direct and gave us an actual good look at what the graphics may look like on release.

We also saw a villain that had seemingly been lost to time – Sylux, who hasn’t been in any Metroid games since Hunters, which was a nice surprise.

This is probably a bit more than what fans had thought they’d get since all the information up to this point didn’t even have the proper title of the game attached.

One thing to note here is that it did seem to be a very graphically intensive game, possibly alluding to it running on a different system…

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond platforms

Since this is a Nintendo published title, you probably already know that Metroid Prime 4: Beyond will be on the Nintendo Switch.

However, what many are speculating is that because of when the game will likely be releasing, it will also be a launch title for the next Switch iteration.

Whether this is the Switch Pro, Switch 2, or whatever it is called, is yet to be determined but one thing is almost nailed on – you’ll be able to play Beyond on this next system.

Is Metroid Prime 4: Beyond open world?


Even though the announcement trailer did appear like Beyond could be an open world game, sadly it is not.

Don’t lose all hope though as XboxEra co-founder Nick Baker stated that he learned from his sources that the game’s levels are “massive open areas” akin to something like Halo Infinite, where there was a lot of playable space to work with, almost giving you the feel of an open world.

This is fantastic news as it allows for amore immersive experience, also bringing the Metroid franchise truly into the current gen.

What this may also mean though is that your original Switch may struggle with the load, so keep that in mind before getting too hyped.

Is Metroid Prime 4: Beyond first person?

Yes, similar to that of the other Metroid Prime games, Beyond will be a predominantly first person title.

There will likely be elements where you see Samus from a third person perspective such as when you enter the Morph Ball, but you’ll be unleashing most of your firepower through the eyes of the legendary bounty hunter.

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AirPods Pro 3: Release date rumors, price predictions and 5 features we want

It’s coming up to two years since the release of the Apple AirPods Pro 2, which earned high acclaim amongst… Continue reading AirPods Pro 3: Release date rumors, price predictions and 5 features we want
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It’s coming up to two years since the release of the Apple AirPods Pro 2, which earned high acclaim amongst fans and experts alike as one of the leading in-ear buds on the market at the time – pipping the likes of Sony and Bose.

Now anticipation is building for what Apple has in store for its third-generation AirPods Pro, with plenty of rumors and leaks doing the rounds already.

AirPods Pro 3: What we know so far and rumors


The first two generations of the Apple AirPods Pro were almost indistinguishable externally, with them only being separated by distinct differences internally.

But that could be about to change if a 2023 report from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman is to be believed. Gurman  reported last year that the AirPods Pro 3 are “expected to get a new design.”

We’re yet to get any more information for what that means exactly, but it sounds like Apple wants to continue to ensure the AirPods and AirPods Pro are clearly distinguishable. That’s because the third-generation Apple AirPods launched in 2021 with a new design that was very similar to the AirPods Pro, ditching the famous long stem for a shorter, more compact in-ear design.

It’s also unclear whether that applies to both the earbuds and USB-C charging case, or whether only one of the two will get a redesign.

Photo by David Levêque on Unsplash

Hardware and Specs

The Apple AirPods Pro 2 use the H2 chip but it’s expected the AirPods Pro 3 will come equipped with a faster, more powerful chipset – probably the H3 chip.

The H2 chip powers Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), adaptive EQ, Siri functionality and fast switching.
The H3 chip will likely do all of that plus allow more power for additional features Apple is planning to bring to the third-generation AirPods Pro.

One of those features, according to Gurman, via MacRumors, could be health-related. The tech journalist suggests Apple is working on a hearing test feature, as well as developing sensors for measuring body temperature, which is said to be more accurate than the latest Apple Watch and Apple Watch Ultra models.

From an audio quality standpoint, we should expect further improvements to ANC and lossless audio, which Apple continues to improve with every new release of the AirPods Pro.

Battery Life

There isn’t much on the grapevine regarding any significant improvements to the AirPods Pro 3’s battery life.

The AirPods Pro 2 currently offers up to 30 hours of listening time and 24 hours of talk time on a single charge when used with the charging case.

The earbuds themselves offer up to six hours of standalone listening time. With Spatial Audio and Head Tracking enabled, that drops to around 5.5 hours.

That might change but it isn’t currently among many people’s wish list of new and improved AirPods Pro features ahead of the third-generation’s launch.

Photo by Auguras Pipiras on Unsplash

What is the AirPods Pro 3 release date?

Apple Insider Ming-Chi Kuo believes we could see the AirPods Pro 3 in late 2024 or early 2025, while Gurman is suggesting a late 2025 release.

Given Apple released an updated AirPods Pro 2 with USB-C charging just last year, many believe a 2025 release is more likely at this stage.

There were three years between the AirPods Pro (October 2019) and AirPods Pro 2 (September 2022) so, if Apple plans to continue with that release cycle, late 2025 is the most obvious release date for now.

How much will the AirPods Pro 3 cost?

The previous two generations of the AirPods Pro launched at $249 and there is currently no indication that the AirPods 3 will be priced any differently.

However, there is a possibility of a price increase depending on the how significant the upgrades are and, of course, the cost of materials.

However, at this stage, there is nothing to indicate a change in pricing strategy for the third-generation AirPods Pro.

AirPods Pro 3: five features we want

Better Android support

The AirPods Pro come with various iOS-only features, such as Find My and head-tracking spacial audio.

While it does make sense for Apple to keep some features with the Apple ecosystem, further cross-platform support arguably opens up the possibility for Apple to gain more market share in the smart earbuds space.

ANC Flexibility and Improvements

The Adaptive Transparency feature that debuted on the AirPods Pro 2 was a welcome upgrade that reduces loud, harsh or high-pitch external noises.

But a further upgrade would be to give users more flexibility with noise-canceling settings, allowing for a more customizable experience depending on one’s hearing wants and needs.

Adaptive Audio already acts as a hybrid between transparency mode and full ANC, and it works well, but everyone’s ears are different, so it would be good for Apple to acknowledge this by offering customizable settings for further ANC precision.

Meanwhile, AirPods Pro ANC has fallen behind competitors since launch, with recent Bose and Sony earbuds offering far better top-of-the-range ANC functionality. Apple will need to match them here.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Sound Quality Improvements

The AirPods Pro 2 already come with high-end sound quality but both Sony and Bose have since surpassed Apple in this category since the Pro 2’s original launch.

An upgraded chip and processor will obviously help with this but Apple needs to really make significant upgrades here if they’re to remain one of the market leaders in the smart earbud market.

Improved Battery Life

While the existing 30 hours of battery life with the USB-C charging case and six hours of listening time with a single charge is impressive, it isn’t market-leading. Sony’s WF-1000XM5 offers eight hours of single-charge listening time.

If Apple can match Sony with eight hours but keep it to 30 hours of overall listening time with the charging case, that would be a very welcome upgrade.

Not many will need more than 30 hours of power, but users who, for example, often travel on long-haul flights might find an eight-hour single-use charge as attractive, which would prevent them from having to spend some time of their travels charging their AirPods in the case.

More colors

This one’s more of a fantasy than a necessary want, but isn’t it time Apple followed suit with its AirPods Max range by offering the AirPods Pro in a variety of colors?

Yes, the AirPods and AirPods Pro have always come in Apple’s iconic white casing, which makes them stand out, but even just the option of a black version would be a nice touch. I’ve always loved the white but I’ve also always loved the look of any tech that comes in black. I think it looks smarter.

It’s incredibly unlikely but I dream that one day it becomes a reality. After all, as Steve Jobs once said: “If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.”

Featured Image: Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

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Few Days Left to Participate in WAI ICO – Biggest Meme Coin Launch of 2024?

The countdown begins for the biggest launch of the year, as WienerAI’s ICO surpasses $8 million in presale and could… Continue reading Few Days Left to Participate in WAI ICO – Biggest Meme Coin Launch of 2024?
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The countdown begins for the biggest launch of the year, as WienerAI’s ICO surpasses $8 million in presale and could see a big surge upon the IEO.

Early buyers can still buy $WAI tokens at a discount since the presale is in its last stage and ends on July 31st. The meme coin is set to launch on Uniswap and other popular DEXs soon after.

This news has caused a lot of FOMO among investors due to the high demand for WienerAI.

Few days left to participate in WAI ICO – Next 100x crypto gem?

WienerAI (WAI) has already raised over $8 million in its presale, with only three days left for potential early investors to participate. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy WienerAI tokens here.

As an ERC-20 token, $WAI integrates seamlessly within the Ethereum ecosystem. Besides its advanced AI-trading capabilities, $WAI features a sausage dog mascot, appealing to both meme coin traders and crypto investors.

$8 Million raised and launch is around the corner!! The hype is real!

— WienerAI (@WienerDogAI) July 26, 2024

This choice aligns with the trend seen in the top two meme coins by market cap, which also feature dog mascots, and could be a strategic move by the WienerAI team. The total supply of $WAI is 69 billion tokens, with 30% allocated for the presale, 20% for staking rewards, and 20% for community rewards.

This distribution means 70% of the total token supply will go to early investors and community members, while the remaining 30% is set aside for exchange liquidity and marketing efforts. This community-focused approach positions WienerAI as a strong contender in the current bull market cycle.

With the presale ending soon, there’s a limited opportunity to join this unique project from the start. The presale offers $WAI tokens at a much lower price than they will be listed on exchanges, allowing early adopters to acquire a larger stake in WienerAI at a lower cost.

Interested investors can purchase $WAI tokens using ETH, BNB, USDT, or a card, at a price of $0.00073 each. The price will likely increase once the token is listed on exchanges. See what the future holds for WienerAI with our $WAI price predictions here.

The funds from the presale will be invested in further developing and enhancing WienerAI’s features, ensuring it stays at the forefront of AI and blockchain technology. For more information and updates, follow WienerAI on X and Telegram.

WienerAI crypto trading AI bot and high APY staking

WienerAI (WAI) isn’t just another digital asset; it marks a significant advancement in AI-driven crypto trading. WienerAI provides users with a powerful tool to navigate the volatile cryptocurrency markets.

The platform features a trading bot that uses predictive technology and a user-friendly chatbot interface, helping both novice and experienced traders gain an edge in the markets. The WienerAI bot identifies successful trading strategies for users and offers clear explanations for its recommendations.

Additionally, the chatbot is swap-enabled, allowing users to trade crypto directly within the app. To enhance user profitability, the WienerAI bot operates without fees and includes MEV (Maximum Extractable Value) bot protection, ensuring that users don’t lose profits or get front-run by these bots.

The platform’s simple interface also lets users easily track their portfolio and review their swap history. These features streamline the trading process, offering both strategic guidance and automated execution for a seamless experience.

The project also offers a built-in staking system, enabling investors to stake their tokens immediately. Currently, the staking APY exceeds 125%, though this rate will decrease as more users stake their tokens. Over 7.9 billion $WAI tokens have already been staked, indicating strong investor confidence.

WienerAI blends the AI theme with the viral nature of a meme coin, attracting both AI investors and meme coin traders. This combination could make $WAI a standout performer in the 2024 and 2025 bull run.

Secure your spot in the $WAI token presale by visiting


Top 3 Meme Coins Poised for a Surge in the Coming Weeks – $DADDY, $WAI, and $DAWGZ
WienerAI Soars Past $8 Million in Presale, 4 Days Left – Last Chance to Buy This AI Meme Coin Gem

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Dogecoin Price Analysis Targets $0.19 as New Doge-Themed Project Nears $6M Presale Milestone

Dogecoin (DOGE) currently holds a market capitalization of $19  billion. Despite experiencing a 14% price surge over the past two… Continue reading Dogecoin Price Analysis Targets $0.19 as New Doge-Themed Project Nears $6M Presale Milestone
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Dogecoin (DOGE) currently holds a market capitalization of $19  billion. Despite experiencing a 14% price surge over the past two weeks, the cryptocurrency remains significantly below its all-time high, marking an 82.2% decline from its peak during the 2021 bull run.

While Dogecoin’s price dipped by approximately 3% today, recent events have sparked renewed optimism among investors. Elon Musk’s decision to change his profile picture to a crypto-themed image featuring laser eyes has ignited bullish sentiment within the Dogecoin community.

Dogecoin (DOGE) price analysis and price prediction

Dogecoin, a prominent player in the meme coin sector, has recently experienced a price surge, with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.2 billion. This increase can be attributed to Elon Musk changing his profile picture to a crypto-centric image with laser eyes.

Historically, Musk’s actions and influence in the crypto space have positively impacted Dogecoin’s price movements. This move could suggest that Musk might tweet something favorable about Dogecoin soon, potentially driving its price upward.

From a technical analysis perspective, Dogecoin is showing promising signs. The market structure indicates a potential breakout scenario. Key support points, marked by higher lows, suggest stability above certain levels.

This sets the stage for a possible bullish breakout. Additionally, Dogecoin is currently forming a bull flag pattern, a strong technical indicator that typically precedes upward price movements.

The measured move from this pattern suggests Dogecoin could rally back to around $0.19 per coin, marking a potential 46% increase. Profit-taking points are critical to watch during this potential rally. The 0.5 Fibonacci retracement level is one such checkpoint.

For an ideal entry, traders should look for consolidation around the current support level, with multiple tests of the trend line without breaking below. This would signal a robust setup for a move upward.

Initial breakouts could yield gains of around 7.84%, followed by another potential 22% increase, aligning with significant resistance levels. The final target price for Dogecoin, based on this analysis, is around $0.19.

It’s essential to remain vigilant and take profits at these stages to avoid getting trapped.

As Dogecoin works to regain its previous highs, a new Doge-based project is rapidly approaching its $6 million presale goal, hinting at a promising future. For those seeking alternative investments, check out our 2024 guide to the best meme coins to buy.

A Tamagotchi-inspired P2E game – PlayDoge

A Doge-based project with immense potential is PlayDoge. This project has already raised over $5.8 million in its presale and is on the cusp of a price increase. PlayDoge is set to launch soon, offering a unique play-to-earn experience that combines nostalgia with modern blockchain technology.

It is a Tamagotchi-style game where players can raise and interact with their virtual pets, tapping into the ’90s nostalgia when Tamagotchi sold 82 million units at its peak. The viral potential of PlayDoge is significant, given the proven popularity of such interactive pet games.

Source – PlayDoge Twitter

In PlayDoge, players care for, play with, and nurture their pets, creating an engaging and potentially addictive experience. Getting involved in PlayDoge is straightforward.

Investors can participate using Ethereum, USDT, a credit card, or BNB by simply connecting their wallets to a verified and reputable site. This ease of access, combined with the game’s engaging concept, positions PlayDoge for potential viral success.

In addition to being a P2E meme coin, PlayDoge also offers staking options available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Users can select either chain to view the respective reward rates. Rewards are given in $PLAY and will be disbursed over three years.

Currently, the estimated annual rewards stand at an impressive 81%, with over 2 million $PLAY tokens staked, reflecting the high level of interest in its staking program.

While Dogecoin shows promising technical indicators for a potential breakout, PlayDoge represents a compelling investment opportunity in the play-to-earn space.

Its combination of nostalgic appeal and innovative blockchain integration makes it a project worth watching. Visit to participate in the $PLAY token presale.


Current Market Rebound Will Lead These Three Meme Coins to Massive Gains – PlayDoge, Base Dawgz, and Pepe Unchained
Former Goldman Sachs Analyst Predicts New Profitable Cycle for Meme Coins – Shiba Inu and PlayDoge Are Experts’ Top Picks

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Top 3 Meme Coins Poised for a Surge in the Coming Weeks – $DADDY, $WAI, and $DAWGZ

As fear in the cryptocurrency market begins to fade, prices are expected to rise. For those who monitor cryptocurrency prices… Continue reading Top 3 Meme Coins Poised for a Surge in the Coming Weeks – $DADDY, $WAI, and $DAWGZ
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As fear in the cryptocurrency market begins to fade, prices are expected to rise. For those who monitor cryptocurrency prices daily, it may feel like time stands still, with downtrends seeming endless and uptrends appearing perpetual.

However, the market is transitioning from a fearful state, where retail investors were absent, to a more confident, perhaps even greedy, atmosphere among those who remain. This shift presents an opportunity to explore three meme coins poised to soar in the coming weeks and months.

The Fear and Greed Index, now ticking back into the green, reflects this newfound confidence. Although retail investors haven’t yet flooded back into the market, those still engaged are more optimistic than they were during the extreme fear phase, when the index was at a level of 25.

As confidence grows, retail investors will eventually return, turning to the coins they know best and trust most. Here are the top three meme coins to consider during this transitional period:

Daddy Tate (DADDY)

Many people in the cryptocurrency space currently express skepticism towards celebrity tokens, suspecting them of being scams or potential rug pulls. Despite this, Andrew Tate’s $DADDY token has managed to attract over 56,000 holders within about a month.

This achievement is particularly notable given the period of extreme fear among investors. Andrew Tate, who has 9.8 million followers on X (formerly Twitter), consistently promotes the $DADDY token. This highlights a critical lesson in cryptocurrency: marketing is one of the most crucial aspects.

The more exposure a cryptocurrency receives, the more people join its community and are willing to invest in it. Andrew Tate has demonstrated his ability to build a robust community, and this strong following supports the potential for the $DADDY token to increase significantly in value.

As the market consolidates and retail investors return, the value of the $DADDY token could rise substantially.

WienerAI (WAI)

WienerAI (WAI) is currently in its final three days of presale and has already amassed $8 million in inflows. This achievement is particularly noteworthy, occurring at a time when the market was filled with fear, similar to Andrew Tate’s token.

Despite the general apprehension among investors, those who remained continued to buy, showcasing the strength of WienerAI. With the presale ending soon, WienerAI is poised to launch at an opportune moment.

The Nashville Bitcoin conference, taking place over the next three days, will feature influential speakers who are expected to inspire cryptocurrency investors. If retail investors regain confidence and shift from fear to greed, smaller tokens like WienerAI are likely to see the largest impact and percentage gains.

WienerAI (WAI) offers impressive utility and represents the future of crypto trading. It merges artificial intelligence, canine loyalty, and crypto trading into a single global movement. This groundbreaking AI token and trading bot is designed to be the most advanced, beginner-friendly crypto trading bot ever created.

With its predictive technology, straightforward yet comprehensive interface, and extensive functionality, WienerAI (WAI) gives traders a substantial edge over their competitors.

The AI-powered platform simplifies and enhances cryptocurrency investing, offering users an intuitive interface to ask questions about their investment needs and receive predictive market analysis.

It also facilitates seamless, fee-free trades on decentralized exchanges while protecting users from fraudulent trading bots.

As confidence returns to the market, WienerAI’s innovative approach and advanced features position it as a standout project in the crypto space.  Secure your spot in the $WAI token presale by visiting

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ)

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) is performing exceptionally well, with $2.7 million in inflows during the presale stages. What stands out the most about this project is its reward system for retail investors.

$2.7 MILLION$DAWGZ just keeps pushing and we don’t let up 💪

— Base Dawgz (@BaseDawgz) July 26, 2024

While many may not be able to afford to invest $10,000, $50,000, or $100,000 in a single token, they do have the time to accumulate rewards.

For instance, purchasing one Ethereum worth of Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) would yield 479,000 tokens. Each of the previous price stages has seen a 5% increase in the overall price, which means investors are already making money before the token even launches.

Additionally, the refer-to-earn program offers a 10% bonus. By creating a referral code and sharing it on social media, with family, and with friends, investors can earn 10% of any purchase amount.

Moreover, staking Base Dawgz promises a 12x annualized increase, equivalent to a 1109% return, making it an excellent way to accumulate tokens before the official launch. There are also upcoming airdrop rewards.

Although buying Base Dawgz increases the points and potential drops, investors can still earn $DAWGZ points without any purchase by sharing on social media and completing quests.

Base Dawgz offers an incredible opportunity for everyone, whether they buy or not. It has the potential to become one of the top three coins in the coming days, weeks, and months as the overall market continues to exhibit greed and confidence increases.

When retail investors return, they are likely to flock to newer tokens like Base Dawgz (DAWGZ), WienerAI (WAI), and Daddy Tate (DADDY), driven by strong communities and marketing efforts. To participate in the $DAWGZ token presale, visit


As the Fear and Greed Index shifts towards greed and retail investors prepare to return, these newer tokens—the Daddy Tate token (DADDY), WienerAI (WAI), and Base Dawgz (DAWGZ)—are poised for significant growth. Investors will gravitate towards projects with strong communities and compelling marketing.

By keeping an eye on these three meme coins, investors can position themselves for potential gains as the market recovers and sentiment shifts from fear to greed. If you’re interested in the absolute best initial coin offerings (ICOs) of 2024, explore our comprehensive guide featuring the most promising options.


Current Market Rebound Will Lead These Three Meme Coins to Massive Gains – PlayDoge, Base Dawgz, and Pepe Unchained
The Hottest Meme Coins in Presale to Consider for Your Crypto Portfolio – WienerAI, Pepe Unchained, and PlayDoge

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