
Mike McQuaid on 15 Years of Homebrew and Protecting Open-Source Maintainers

Despite multiple methods available across major operating systems for installing and updating applications, there remains “no real clear answer to ‘which is best,'” reports The Next Web. Each system faces unique challenges such as outdated packages, high fees, and policy restrictions.

Enter Homebrew.

“Initially created as an option for developers to keep the dependencies they often need for developing, testing, and running their work, Homebrew has grown to be so much more in its 15-year history.” Created in 2009, Homebrew has become a leading solution for macOS, integrating with MDM tools through its enterprise-focused extension, Workbrew, to balance user freedom with corporate security needs, while maintaining its open-source roots under the guidance of Mike McQuaid. In an interview with The Next Web’s Chris Chinchilla, project leader Mike McQuaid talks about the challenges and responsibilities of maintaining one of the world’s largest open-source projects: As with anything that attracts plenty of use and attention, Homebrew also attracts a lot of mixed and extreme opinions, and processing and filtering those requires a tough outlook, something that Mike has spoken about in numerous interviews and at conferences. “As a large project, you get a lot of hate from people. Either people are just frustrated because they hit a bug or because you changed something, and they didn’t read the release notes, and now something’s broken,” Mike says when I ask him about how he copes with the constant influx of communication. “There are a lot of entitled, noisy users in open source who contribute very little and like to shout at people and make them feel bad. One of my strengths is that I have very little time for those people, and I just insta-block them or close their issues.”

More crucially, an open-source project is often managed and maintained by a group of people. Homebrew has several dozen maintainers and nearly one thousand total contributors. Mike explains that all of these people also deserve to be treated with respect by users, “I’m also super protective of my maintainers, and I don’t want them to be treated that way either.” But despite these features and its widespread use, one area Homebrew has always lacked is the ability to work well with teams of users. This is where Workbrew, a company Mike founded with two other Homebrew maintainers, steps in. […] Workbrew ties together various Homebrew features with custom glue to create a workflow for setting up and maintaining Mac machines. It adds new features that core Homebrew maintainers had no interest in adding, such as admin and reporting dashboards for a computing fleet, while bringing more general improvements to the core project.

Bearing in mind Mike’s motivation to keep Homebrew in the “traditional open source” model, I asked him how he intended to keep the needs of the project and the business separated and satisfied. “We’ve seen a lot of churn in the last few years from companies that made licensing decisions five or ten years ago, which have now changed quite dramatically and have generated quite a lot of community backlash,” Mike said. “I’m very sensitive to that, and I am a little bit of an open-source purist in that I still consider the open-source initiative’s definition of open source to be what open source means. If you don’t comply with that, then you can be another thing, but I think you’re probably not open source.”

And regarding keeping his and his co-founder’s dual roles separated, Mike states, “I’m the CTO and co-founder of Workbrew, and I’m the project leader of Homebrew. The project leader with Homebrew is an elected position.” Every year, the maintainers and the community elect a candidate. “But then, with the Homebrew maintainers working with us on Workbrew, one of the things I say is that when we’re working on Workbrew, I’m your boss now, but when we work on Homebrew, I’m not your boss,” Mike adds. “If you think I’m saying something and it’s a bad idea, you tell me it’s a bad idea, right?” The company is keeping its early progress in a private beta for now, but you can expect an announcement soon. As for what’s happening for Homebrew? Well, in the best “open source” way, that’s up to the community and always will be.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Despite multiple methods available across major operating systems for installing and updating applications, there remains “no real clear answer to ‘which is best,'” reports The Next Web. Each system faces unique challenges such as outdated packages, high fees, and policy restrictions.

Enter Homebrew.

“Initially created as an option for developers to keep the dependencies they often need for developing, testing, and running their work, Homebrew has grown to be so much more in its 15-year history.” Created in 2009, Homebrew has become a leading solution for macOS, integrating with MDM tools through its enterprise-focused extension, Workbrew, to balance user freedom with corporate security needs, while maintaining its open-source roots under the guidance of Mike McQuaid. In an interview with The Next Web’s Chris Chinchilla, project leader Mike McQuaid talks about the challenges and responsibilities of maintaining one of the world’s largest open-source projects: As with anything that attracts plenty of use and attention, Homebrew also attracts a lot of mixed and extreme opinions, and processing and filtering those requires a tough outlook, something that Mike has spoken about in numerous interviews and at conferences. “As a large project, you get a lot of hate from people. Either people are just frustrated because they hit a bug or because you changed something, and they didn’t read the release notes, and now something’s broken,” Mike says when I ask him about how he copes with the constant influx of communication. “There are a lot of entitled, noisy users in open source who contribute very little and like to shout at people and make them feel bad. One of my strengths is that I have very little time for those people, and I just insta-block them or close their issues.”

More crucially, an open-source project is often managed and maintained by a group of people. Homebrew has several dozen maintainers and nearly one thousand total contributors. Mike explains that all of these people also deserve to be treated with respect by users, “I’m also super protective of my maintainers, and I don’t want them to be treated that way either.” But despite these features and its widespread use, one area Homebrew has always lacked is the ability to work well with teams of users. This is where Workbrew, a company Mike founded with two other Homebrew maintainers, steps in. […] Workbrew ties together various Homebrew features with custom glue to create a workflow for setting up and maintaining Mac machines. It adds new features that core Homebrew maintainers had no interest in adding, such as admin and reporting dashboards for a computing fleet, while bringing more general improvements to the core project.

Bearing in mind Mike’s motivation to keep Homebrew in the “traditional open source” model, I asked him how he intended to keep the needs of the project and the business separated and satisfied. “We’ve seen a lot of churn in the last few years from companies that made licensing decisions five or ten years ago, which have now changed quite dramatically and have generated quite a lot of community backlash,” Mike said. “I’m very sensitive to that, and I am a little bit of an open-source purist in that I still consider the open-source initiative’s definition of open source to be what open source means. If you don’t comply with that, then you can be another thing, but I think you’re probably not open source.”

And regarding keeping his and his co-founder’s dual roles separated, Mike states, “I’m the CTO and co-founder of Workbrew, and I’m the project leader of Homebrew. The project leader with Homebrew is an elected position.” Every year, the maintainers and the community elect a candidate. “But then, with the Homebrew maintainers working with us on Workbrew, one of the things I say is that when we’re working on Workbrew, I’m your boss now, but when we work on Homebrew, I’m not your boss,” Mike adds. “If you think I’m saying something and it’s a bad idea, you tell me it’s a bad idea, right?” The company is keeping its early progress in a private beta for now, but you can expect an announcement soon. As for what’s happening for Homebrew? Well, in the best “open source” way, that’s up to the community and always will be.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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