
Latvian fintech startup inGain raises EUR 650K in funding to revolutionize lending with no-code SaaS platform

Latvian fintech startup inGain announced on Thursday it secured EUR 650,000 in funding from a consortium of investors including venture capital firms Trind VC and Fiedler Capital, as well as support from the Latvian Business Angels network and various individual
The post Latvian fintech startup inGain raises EUR 650K in funding to revolutionize lending with no-code SaaS platform first appeared on Tech Startups.

Latvian fintech startup inGain announced on Thursday it secured EUR 650,000 in funding from a consortium of investors including venture capital firms Trind VC and Fiedler Capital, as well as support from the Latvian Business Angels network and various individual […]

The post Latvian fintech startup inGain raises EUR 650K in funding to revolutionize lending with no-code SaaS platform first appeared on Tech Startups.

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