
Graphene found in China’s Chang’e-5 moon samples contradicts lunar origin theory that the moon was formed by a cosmic collision between Earth and a smaller planet

For decades, the prevailing theory has been that the moon was formed by a cosmic collision between Earth and a smaller planet. However, a groundbreaking discovery by Chinese scientists may challenge this long-held belief, further raising questions about the lunar
The post Graphene found in China’s Chang’e-5 moon samples contradicts lunar origin theory that the moon was formed by a cosmic collision between Earth and a smaller planet first appeared on Tech Startups.

For decades, the prevailing theory has been that the moon was formed by a cosmic collision between Earth and a smaller planet. However, a groundbreaking discovery by Chinese scientists may challenge this long-held belief, further raising questions about the lunar […]

The post Graphene found in China’s Chang’e-5 moon samples contradicts lunar origin theory that the moon was formed by a cosmic collision between Earth and a smaller planet first appeared on Tech Startups.

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