
AI startup companies Suno and Udio sued by major music labels for copyright infringement

In a major legal challenge that could have widespread implications across the AI industry, major record labels Sony Music, Universal Music Group (UMG), and Warner Records have filed lawsuits on Monday against generative AI startups Suno and Udio. The lawsuits,
The post AI startup companies Suno and Udio sued by major music labels for copyright infringement first appeared on Tech Startups.

In a major legal challenge that could have widespread implications across the AI industry, major record labels Sony Music, Universal Music Group (UMG), and Warner Records have filed lawsuits on Monday against generative AI startups Suno and Udio. The lawsuits, […]

The post AI startup companies Suno and Udio sued by major music labels for copyright infringement first appeared on Tech Startups.

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