
AI-powered hiring platform startup Mercor raises $30M in Series A funding led by Benchmark

The traditional hiring process is broken, slow, and often skewed by bias. Now, a trio of 21-year-old Thiel Fellows are transforming the system, tackling these long-standing issues head-on to create a more efficient and fair hiring experience using artificial intelligence
The post AI-powered hiring platform startup Mercor raises $30M in Series A funding led by Benchmark first appeared on Tech Startups.

The traditional hiring process is broken, slow, and often skewed by bias. Now, a trio of 21-year-old Thiel Fellows are transforming the system, tackling these long-standing issues head-on to create a more efficient and fair hiring experience using artificial intelligence […]

The post AI-powered hiring platform startup Mercor raises $30M in Series A funding led by Benchmark first appeared on Tech Startups.

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