
Deep-Live-Cam: A real-time face swap tool that lets anyone impersonate you in fake video calls or livestream

Imagine hopping onto a Zoom call and discovering you’ve been tricked. That’s the reality with the new AI face-swapping software “Deep-Live-Cam,” which allows you to change your face in real-time during a video call or live stream session. This once
The post Deep-Live-Cam: A real-time face swap tool that lets anyone impersonate you in fake video calls or livestream first appeared on Tech Startups.

Imagine hopping onto a Zoom call and discovering you’ve been tricked. That’s the reality with the new AI face-swapping software “Deep-Live-Cam,” which allows you to change your face in real-time during a video call or live stream session. This once […]

The post Deep-Live-Cam: A real-time face swap tool that lets anyone impersonate you in fake video calls or livestream first appeared on Tech Startups.

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