
Apple Intelligence Foundation Language Models

Academic paper from over 100 researchers at Apple:

We present foundation language models developed to power Apple
Intelligence features, including a ~3 billion parameter model
designed to run efficiently on devices and a large server-based
language model designed for Private Cloud Compute. These models
are designed to perform a wide range of tasks efficiently,
accurately, and responsibly. This report describes the model
architecture, the data used to train the model, the training
process, how the models are optimized for inference, and the
evaluation results. We highlight our focus on Responsible AI and
how the principles are applied throughout the model development.

Available here as a PDF.


Academic paper from over 100 researchers at Apple:

We present foundation language models developed to power Apple
Intelligence features, including a ~3 billion parameter model
designed to run efficiently on devices and a large server-based
language model designed for Private Cloud Compute. These models
are designed to perform a wide range of tasks efficiently,
accurately, and responsibly. This report describes the model
architecture, the data used to train the model, the training
process, how the models are optimized for inference, and the
evaluation results. We highlight our focus on Responsible AI and
how the principles are applied throughout the model development.

Available here as a PDF.

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