
Understanding the Various Inscrutable Beeps, Bops, and Bloops AirPods Make

Juli Clover, MacRumors:

In a support guide, Apple says that the AirPods Pro may
play a sound every so often while in the case to ensure the
microphones and speakers are working as intended. From Apple:

To help ensure that your AirPods microphones and speakers are
operating at their best (for example, to help provide
high-quality hearing test results), your AirPods may periodically
play a quiet chime when they’re in their charging case.

Information on the mysterious chime was highlighted on
Mastodon after Apple’s unclear AirPods sounds were
discussed on today’s ATP podcast. As noted on the
podcast, Apple does not have an established guide that provides
insight into the different sounds that the AirPods make, so it can
be confusing.

Years ago, Apple was a successful company and documented how their products work. These days, Apple is struggling financially, and alas can no longer afford to produce something even as simple as an interactive web page with examples of the sounds that AirPods make and explanations of what those sounds mean.


Juli Clover, MacRumors:

In a support guide, Apple says that the AirPods Pro may
play a sound every so often while in the case to ensure the
microphones and speakers are working as intended. From Apple:

To help ensure that your AirPods microphones and speakers are
operating at their best (for example, to help provide
high-quality hearing test results), your AirPods may periodically
play a quiet chime when they’re in their charging case.

Information on the mysterious chime was highlighted on
after Apple’s unclear AirPods sounds were
discussed on today’s ATP podcast. As noted on the
podcast, Apple does not have an established guide that provides
insight into the different sounds that the AirPods make, so it can
be confusing.

Years ago, Apple was a successful company and documented how their products work. These days, Apple is struggling financially, and alas can no longer afford to produce something even as simple as an interactive web page with examples of the sounds that AirPods make and explanations of what those sounds mean.

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